Album cover design for Dr. Keith Dippre.
Album cover design for Dr. Keith Dippre.

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Keith Dippre

album cover artwork

I designed a custom album cover for 

Keith Dippre’s original recordings. “California Low Brow”, Keith Dippre's 5-movement piano work, was recorded in May of 2021 at Methodist University. Dr. Scott Marosek is the featured artist on the recording along with Dave Godsey as engineer. The bridge on this art is the oldest one found over the Cape Fear River in Cumberland County, North Carolina. 

The project (to date) was for Spotify digital music downloads. The variations in the design were provided to meet their single song art requirements.

Keith Dippre

album cover artwork

I designed a custom album cover for Keith Dippre’s original recordings. “California Low Brow”, Keith Dippre's 5-movement piano work, was recorded in May of 2021 at Methodist University. Dr. Scott Marosek is the featured artist on the recording along with Dave Godsey as engineer. The bridge on this art is the oldest one found over the Cape Fear River in Cumberland County, North Carolina. 

The project (to date) was for Spotify digital music downloads. The design variations were provided to meet their single song art requirements.

© 2024 Kerry Scott Jenkins. All rights reserved. Many images courtesy of the next generation of top graphic designers.